Soon to be - Our new brand is launching soon - Stay tuned for a fresh look and enhanced experience!


Choose the plan that’s right for you or your team.
Are you a not-for-profit or education provider? Get in touch

  • £70 / month
    Cost per patient: £14

  • £80 / month
    Cost per patient: £10

  • £90 / month
    Cost per patient: £6

  • £100 / month
    Cost per patient: £5

  • Contact us for bespoke price

  • £60 / month
    Cost per patient: £60

* The Specialist Case Management Licence is used for clients where costs are charged to their case. In this instance the Goal Manager® licence belongs to the client and can move with them through their rehabilitation pathway.

All prices exclude VAT

For each subscriber you can set up as many clinicians for each patient as required.


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