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Terms of Use

About Goal Manager:

Goal Manager® enables standardised identification and monitoring of goals using evidence-based means, supplemented by accessible resources to enable efficient and transparent team collaboration in working towards improving the life experience of a client. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) Assessment is completed within Goal Manager® and aims to create a complete picture of a person by measuring body functions, body structures (i.e. injury), ability to participate in activities pertinent to their lifestyle, and the influence of environmental factors. Once completed, Goal Manager® will identify any domain from the Body Functions and Activity & Participation sections which were rated with some level of impairment, labelled as Functional Problems. Goal Manager® will also identify from the assessment all aspects of the individual’s environment that are considered to be Facilitators or Barriers. All Functional Problems and Barriers are then available to be selected as the basis from which to develop a goal. Each domain that is relevant to a goal is selected and then an overall goal is identified. Goals are created in accordance with Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS) so, at this stage, each goal is rated for importance and difficulty and each stage of the goal is described. Each member of the team then inputs their specific objectives which will work towards achieving each goal, following the SMART framework (i.e. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time).The success of goal-setting lies with the expertise, training and knowledge of the professionals involved and thus Goal Manager® is designed to facilitate this existing process by providing an efficient framework for the identification and monitoring of goals by an experienced team. If you would like a copy of our information pack or have any other queries regarding Goal Manager® please contact us at

Data security:

Privacy Policy: Goal Manager® understands the importance of privacy to our clients. We are committed to protecting any personally identifiable information we hold and process, and to fulfilling our obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Under the GDPR, Goal Manager® acts as both a data controller, in respect of information we collect and process about you, and a data processor, in respect of information you store within your Goal Manager system that we process on your behalf. This Privacy Policy describes what personal information we collect and process as a data controller, how and why we use this information, and the options we provide to you to access, update and request erasure of the information we hold about you. It also describes the arrangements we have in place to protect personal data that we process on your behalf, and ensure this processing activity complies with the GDPR. By continuing to use Goal Manager® you are accepting the terms and conditions set out within this Policy.

Who we are:

Goal Manager® enables standardised identification and monitoring of goals using evidence-based means, supplemented by accessible resources to enable efficient and transparent team collaboration in working towards improving the life experience of a client. The Goal Manager® system and website,, are the property of Clinical Neuropsychology Services Ltd whose registered address is 42 Crosby Road North, Waterloo, Liverpool, L22 4QQ. Personal data that we collect and process (as a Data Controller):

Personal data we collect and hold about you, includes:

Your name, your business address, your email address, your telephone number, your position, records of your communication with us (i.e. emails, phone calls and meetings). Purposes for which we process your personal data

The purposes for which we process your information are:

To perform the functions expected of us by our clients and users carry out our obligations arising from any contracts entered between us and our clients send you information related to the services we provide, or notify you of any changes to these services respond to any communication and enquiries from you and provide you with information that you request from us verify the identity and authority of individuals requesting support via telephone or email provide you with support in using our services understand how you use our services, and improve and optimise these services detect any misuse of our services, applications and systems In the event that we collect any of your personal data for purposes besides those listed above, these purposes will be disclosed to you when you provide your information. If we decide to process information we have already collected from you for purposes besides those listed, we will notify you by email. You will then have a choice as to whether or not we use your information in this different way. Processing activities are lawful on the basis of their necessity to contractual performance, or in serving legitimate interests pursued by Goal Manager.

Personal data that we process on your behalf (as a Data Processor):

As a client of Goal Manager® and user of, you have exclusive access to your own account within the system where you can store and process personal data related to your clients. Any data you store within your Goal Manager® account belongs to you, and you act as the Data Controller in respect of this data. You control what data is processed, the purposes for which you process this data, and how long data is retained for. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have a legal basis for collecting and processing the data held within your Goal Manager® account. Goal Manager® acts as a data processor in respect of data held within your Goal Manager® account. We do not make decisions regarding the purposes for which data stored in your account is processed and will only process your data in accordance with your instructions and to the extent necessary to support you in your processing activities.

From time to time, we may access personal data held within your Goal Manager® account in order to: perform system maintenance, investigate and resolve issues and bugs, verify your identity and authority if you contact us to discuss or request changes to your account, provide you with support when you request this, maintain the security of the system and respond to any security breaches. We will not access data within your account for any reason besides those listed above or make changes to any personal data held within your account, unless we are explicitly instructed to do so by you.

Who has access to your personal data:

Personal data that we process about you (as Data Controller) or process on behalf of you (as Data Processor) is accessed only by authorised employees of Goal Manager® and trusted third parties within our supply chain. We only share the personal data we collect and process about you (as Data Controller) with third parties when this is strictly necessary to fulfil the purposes set out within this Policy. Any third parties appointed to process your personal data act only in accordance with our documented instruction and are prohibited from utilising, sharing, or retaining your data or any purposes besides which they have been specifically contracted for. We make every effort to ensure any contracted third party processors comply with GDPR and have implemented controls necessary for keeping personal data they process secure and confidential. The suitability of third party processors is reviewed on an on going basis, taking into account: The level of risk the third party presents, the third party’s data protection procedures and adherence with established standards, known incidents related to the third party’s services, security within the third party’s supply chain and disaster recovery and contingency arrangements. We only share information we process on your behalf (as Data Processor) with our system hosting provider. Our hosting provider has confirmed its compliance with GDPR to us, and hold the following accreditations:       

ISO:90012.       ISO:140013.       ISO:270014.       ISO:270175.       ISO:270186.       ISO:223017.       Cyber Essential Plus We will not sell or rent your information to third parties or share your information with third parties for their own marketing purposes.

How long do we keep your personal data for?

Goal Manager® will retain the personal data we collect and process about you (as Data Controller) for as long as you subscribe to our service. Upon termination of our contract by either party we will hold your data for an additional 3 months before it is permanently erased. You can export all the data you have inputted into our system at any time. Should you wish to delete your Goal Manager® account you must contact us by email at Upon receipt of your cancellation email, we will reply with confirmation that your cancellation request has been actioned and provide you with the date from when cancellation will take effect. This will be one month after your last payment. If you request cancellation part way through your billing month you will be required to complete that month and one month thereafter.

Where do we process your data?

Personal data held with your Goal Manager® account, which we process on your behalf (as Data Processor) is stored and processed in the United Kingdom. 

How do we keep your personal data secure?

We implement all necessary technical and organisational measures to ensure personal data you provide to us, or that we process on your behalf, is held and treated securely. The security controls in place on the Goal Manager® system, which protect the data we process on your behalf, include password protected login, full role based access rights (permission based access to functionality and client files), database logging of end-user activity, database logging of
Goal Manager® staff activity, encryption of data in transit by 2048bit Transport Layer Security, server centre protected by own compound, 24-hour manned security, firewalls, CCTV and access by named personnel only
vulnerability testing for cross site scripting, cross site forgery, SQL injection, daily database back-up to geographically separated cluster server. It is your responsibility to keep your system login credentials (username,
password, passcode) secure, and protect this against unauthorised disclosure.

Your rights as a data subject: Under the GDPR, you have the following rights in respect of your personal data:

Right of access — you have the right to request a copy of information we hold about you.

Right of rectification — you have a right to correct information that we hold about you that is inaccurate or incomplete.

Right to be forgotten — in certain circumstances you can ask for the information we hold about you to be erased from our records.

Right to restriction of processing — where certain conditions apply you have a right to restrict the processing.

Right of portability — you have the right to have the information we hold about you transferred to another organisation.

Right to object — you have the right to object to certain types of processing such as direct marketing.

If you wish to request access to, rectification or erasure of personal data we hold about you, or you wish to raise an objection to our processing activities, you can do so at any time by contacting us via the methods below.


For data we collect and process about you (as Data Controller) requests for erasure will only be honoured to the extent that data is no longer necessary for us to hold in order to provide services to you or meet our legal and
contractual record keeping requirements. We reserve the right to refuse to change or erase data if in doing so we would violate any law or legal requirement or cause the information to be incorrect.  In the event that Goal Manager® refuses a request made by you, we will provide you with a reason why, which you have the right to legally challenge. For data held in your Goal Manager® account which we process on your behalf (as Data Processor) we will
support you fully in responding to requests from data subject for access, rectification or erasure, and meeting your obligations under GDPR. You also have the right to make a complaint about our processing activities to the
Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). You can contact the ICO by calling 0303 123 1113 or by visiting

Questions about this Privacy Policy:

If you have questions, concerns or complaints about our Privacy Policy, the personal data we collect and hold, or the purposes for which this data is used, you may contact us by emailing

Changes to this Privacy Policy :

We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time. If we make changes to this Privacy Policy, the updated version will be made available via our website (

Secure storage:

Some records, notes and other information can be recorded directly into the Goal Manager® system. Data is securely stored on a dedicated server hosted in a secure UK server centre. The server centre complies with all relevant
UK and International standards and has the following accreditation:

ISO:90012.       ISO:140013.       ISO:270014.       ISO:270175.       ISO:270186.       ISO:223017.   Cyber Essential Plus

Contact and Support:

Please send any queries to When you first us Goal Manager®, some support may be required and a user guide is available upon request but if further support is required you can email with your query. We will endeavour to reply to all support emails within 24 hours. You can also contact us by phone on 0333 335 5142.


For up to date pricing information, please click here

Cancellation and Refunds:

Goal Manager® reserves the right to cancel the service at any time. Customer refund requests will be processed in the cases of service non-performance that might be caused by Goal Manager® . Refund requests will be refused if requested for any cause that is out of Goal Manager’s control. Should you wish to cancel
your account with Goal Manager® you must contact us by email at On requesting a cancellation, we will reply with confirmation that your cancellation request has been actioned and provide you
with the date from when cancellation will take effect. This will be one month after your last payment. If you request cancellation part way through your billing month you will be required to complete that month and one month
thereafter. You will have three further months from the date that your cancellation comes into effect in which to download your data and your clients’ data.

Company Information: 

Goal Manager® and are part of Clinical Neuropsychology Services Ltd. Company Reg: 08002350