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Functional Assessment (ICF)

Full assessment of patient rehabilitation and care needs

All the published literature on effective goal setting points to collaborative team setting of goals based upon a complete functional assessment of your client’s needs.

This means that best practice goal setting needs to take place at an Multi Disciplinary Team meeting where each individual involved with a client’s care and rehabilitation come together to share the knowledge from their own assessments and experience to give an overview of the client’s needs as a whole (Current functioning)

Functional Assessment (ICF)

Who needs to complete the ICF?

SMART Objectives by Goal Manager

If you are an individual practitioner you would complete a functional assessment yourself using your knowledge from your experience with the client and the assessments you have carried.

This can be daunting, initially it can take a long time but is fundamental to effective goal setting.

At Goal Manager® we provide you with a framework and can guide you through this process. Goal Manager® uses the World Health Organisations (WHO) International Classification of Disability and Health (ICF).

Understanding which core sets to use

ICF Body Function

The ICF consists of over 90 core sets. Each core set relates to a particular condition, such as stroke or traumatic brain injury and comes in a brief and comprehensive version. The brief version takes significantly less time to complete than the comprehensive but can be used when there are time constraints. The comprehensive versions of the core sets take longer but will give you a much more complete understanding of your client’s current functioning.

Sometimes it might not be clear what core set you should use. The ICF has a Generic core set and a Rehabilitation core set which can provide a good starting point if you are not sure. Additionally, Goal Manager® allows you to swap between core sets as your client goes through their rehabilitation pathway saving and reusing (wherever relevant) any previously inputted data. This saves you and your team time by not duplicating work.

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    Goal Manager® Help

    If you are using Goal Manager® for the first time, take advantage of our free videos on the Support Space. See here.

  • goal manager education

    ICF Training

    For more information about using the ICF to complete your functional assessment, all Goal Manager® licence-holders have complimentary access to our [CPD accredited] training course for 12 months. See here.

  • Goal Manager target

    Goal setting training

    For more information about best practice goal setting, all Goal Manager® licence-holders have complimentary access to our [CPD accredited] training course for 12 months. See here.