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Who is it for?

Goal Manager® was designed for clinicians, by clinicians and can be used in any service concerned with the rehabilitation of healthcare needs. It is designed to be multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary bringing together all of the clinical work in one easy-to-access place.

Who is it for?

Who uses Goal Manager®?

  • case managers icon
    Case Managers
  • rehabilitation providers
    Rehabilitation Providers
  • rehabilitation education
    Education, Researchers or Not for Profit

Case Studies

  • Spotlight Case Management are brain injury case management specialists based in Lancashire, providing services to children and adults. Spotlight work with complex brain injury clients who have large multidisciplinary teams (MDTs), and involvement with private and statutory services, education and social care.  Goal Manager® has been working in partnership with Spotlight since 2019 to organise their clients’ rehabilitation activity and demonstrate progress in order to secure ongoing funding, and provide evidence of compliance with all statutory regulations. Goal Manager® reports can be used in a variety of ways including as evidence towards Education Health & Care Plan assessments and Personal Independence Payment (PIP) applications. Spotlight particularly value that when their MDTs invariably change due to fluctuations in the educational and vocational needs of their clients, Goal Manager® helps ensure that cases continue to run seamlessly, that no information is lost, and that clients continue to receive the most efficient and comprehensive service as they progress through their rehabilitation journey.

  • BASIC are a charity based in the North West of England who provide pioneering rehabilitation services to individuals with brain and spinal injuries across the UK. BASIC’s services are commissioned by a wide range of referrers including the Ministry of Defence, NHS, voluntary sector and private clients. BASIC are also the UK’s first provider of the CAREN – a hugely innovative Computer-Assisted Rehabilitation Environment that delivers state of the art, virtual-reality rehabilitation programmes which enable patients with a disability to practise real-life situations in a safe and controlled environment. As a charity, BASIC have a continual need to demonstrate functional outcomes for their clients and secure funding for their service. Goal Manager® has partnered with BASIC to provide an easy method of organising and reporting data that minimises administrative and financial costs to the charity, whilst ensuring that they are able to demonstrate clear functional outcomes for service users and secure ongoing funding to deliver services.

  • The Georgia RSVP Clinic is a free, not-for-profit outpatient rehabilitation service for uninsured and underinsured people with brain, stroke, and spinal cord injuries. Their rehabilitation services are provided on a voluntary basis by leading clinicians. Goal Manager® has been providing the administrative support to RSVP since it’s inception in early 2020 and is able to do so by being fully compliant with HIPAA regulations and licensed for use in North America. The remote accessibility of Goal Manager® has allowed RSVP staff to stay connected and in communication about progress with their clients, ensuring that the important and meaningful delivery of their services are evidenced for clients, their families, colleagues and funders alike.

What people are saying…

5 gold stars

I love Goal Manager®. It is cost effective to clients and good value for money. I like to be able to see the goals progressing for the client.

5 gold stars

Goal Manager® provides the MDT with the ability to visualise the team’s approach in a collective manner which in turn helps with feedback into the Instructing parties to increase their level of understanding for need and how this looks in improving the rehabilitation outcomes for the client.

5 gold stars

Goal Manager® coordinates joint goals from a team in and easy to read format, allows individual team members to add objectives, formulates data in pictorial format so that progress or deteriorating can be easily shown.

5 gold stars

The Goal Manager® team have been really responsive with assistance and help.

5 gold stars

It is helping me reflect on goals already achieved and the timing of new goals with what other professionals are already working on to the benefit of the client.

5 gold stars

It has helped focus the MDT Meetings and improved collaboration