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Goals vs Objectives

Within Goal Manager we use the term Goals and Objectives:

Goals vs Objectives


SMART Objectives by Goal Manager

A goal is a wide ranging target that the team and client wishes to achieve. They are usually set at the MDT meeting after collaboration from the whole team. Within Goal Manager® these are set and rated using Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS).
Examples of a goal:
Naomi’s daily life will not be regularly impacted by fatigue.
Paul’s walking distance ability to improve over time.


SMART Objectives by Goal Manager

An objective is the individual step a team member is going to take to help the client achieve their goal. These are set by individual team members and within Goal Manager® they follow the SMART framework.
Examples of an objective:
Complete an objective assessment of Naomi’s sleep functioning using sleep actigraphy. (Psychologist)
Paul to be completing physical activity everyday in order to improve his level of fitness and physical skills. (Physiotherapist)

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    Goal Manager® Help

    If you are using Goal Manager® for the first time, take advantage of our free videos on the Support Space. See here.

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    ICF Training

    For more information about using the ICF to complete your functional assessment, all Goal Manager® licence-holders have complimentary access to our [CPD accredited] training course for 12 months. See here.

  • Goal Manager target

    Goal setting training

    For more information about best practice goal setting, all Goal Manager® licence-holders have complimentary access to our [CPD accredited] training course for 12 months. See here.